Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Look Up!, Trees Part. 1

"A tree is an incomprehensible mystery." -John Woodring

Hello everyone!!! I can't believe it has been as long as it has since I've been on here posting!!! Oh my goodness! Well, I have started a new sub-category in my "Details in Nature", section... it is called... "Look Up!". "Look Up!" features photos of nature where you need to look up. The first sub-category in "Look Up!", is Trees! So here is the new and never before seen category, of  "Look Up!, Trees"...

I took this photo when I went to White Cliff with my parents on a picnic (see full story in "Details in Nature Part. 1"). I looked up and what I immediately saw was a picture perfect scene. The tree's branches were out at lovely angles, the sun was brushing parts of the branches and the leaves, the trunk had detailing, and was off-center so it made the photo more interesting... I fell in love with it!!! So, I pulled my camera out, and took this photo... I just love the way how the sun gently caresses the leaves and the branches giving the photo a nice effect. I also love the way the trunk and part of the branches are off-center and are dark, yet I love how the blue sky just pokes out of the branches and the leaves... :)

I think that this photo represents the many levels, stages and ups and downs in life. I think that this photo represents the many levels, stages and ups and downs in life because, the branches and leaves make it look like many different levels, and the way the trunk stands tall supporting it all, is like the foundation and the beginning of it all. Because this photo is on an angle looking up, I think that it represents us, looking up, into the many branches of our lives. I think that the branches sticking out at many angles represents the leap between each level, and on each level, you will encounter a new obstacle. As well, because half of the branches are in the sun, and the other half are in the dark, it represents that life will have "ups" and "downs". Meaning that life will have it's good times, and it's bad times. I also think that the blue sky poking through the branches means that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and that if you keep on going, there's a surprise waiting for you... No matter what the times are though, if you keep on persevering, and climbing up each level to keep on going, you'll eventually get to the top. And there you will meet an absolutely amazing sight... You'll practically be on top of the world! Not literally, but figuratively. Meaning that you will be ecstatic and you will be so happy and amazed. Because if you were to climb to the tippy top of this tree, you would see amazing sights; the ocean, the sun setting, the many different tree tops and so much more.... Not only that, but you would feel the wind in your hair, the breeze on your face and the warm sun caressing you...  I'd sure love to be on the tippy top of this tree... How about you...

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh!!! You should become a professional for these amazing photos!!! They're INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!
