Monday, October 25, 2010

Details in Nature Part. 1

"I believe a leaf of grass is no less than the journey-work of the stars."  ~Walt Whitman 

My family and I went for a picnic at White Cliff in West Vancouver. I was waiting for dinner to be ready, and I had my camera with me. I take it basically everywhere I go! It's one of my absolute best companion in the world!!! I couldn't imagine not bringing it! Well anyway, I was walking along the field when I saw a patch of wheat blades. I knelt down to get a shot of them. When I was taking a photo, I realized that the background was all combined with the wheat. So I decided to cup my hand behind that one blade of wheat to act as a background. When I looked at my photo after I shot it, I realized that it could represent the simplicity and beauty of one little element of nature in the palm of mankind's hand.  

Isn't it amazing to think of all the little things in nature that one can easily overlook?  I couldn't imagine living without those little things in nature and in life itself, that are so simple yet beautiful in their own way. I believe that this represents the simplicity and beauty of one element of nature in the palm of mankind's hand, because it shows how one little blade can be so fragile and look so small against the palm of mankind's hand. Now if a blade of wheat can be fragile in the palm of our hands, imagine a forest of trees in not only our hands, but with huge mechanic machines!!! It sickens me to think of all the little things we do that destroy our beautiful planet. I'm so appalled at the grotesque manor in which mankind just wipes out the amazing things in nature that are natural and not urbanized.

 I don't know what inspired me to take it, but all I know is that when I look back on it now, I don't regret bending down to grasp one simple blade of wheat...


  1. Beautiful picture! I love the calming essence of your blog!

  2. It looks like the thing is floating in your hand! WIERD! Its a really cool picture!

  3. Great photograph, Austyn! I love how you are making connections to Sophie's World and to how Sophie feels as she sees her garden again,...for the first time. I often think about how strange--and sad--it is that as we grow up we seem to take the world for granted and overlook the beauty in nature's details. Children have a faculty of wonder that allows them to get lost in these small details whereas we let this fade with age and experience.

    Let us never lose this attention to detail! Your post has been very inspiring!

  4. It's cool how the thing in your hand is more clear than the hand holding it.

  5. I really appreciate the
    way YOU see things.
    I guess most would walk
    by thinking "Wheat, great. Moving on!!"
    You on the other hand, take a close look at
    all the little details! Nice post.

  6. I love your picture!! Did you actually pick it from the ground if so SHAME! If not sorry for the false accusation:) I love how you can elaborate so well on something so small that we always take for granted! Somebody I know-who will remain anonymous-says they don't care about the earth or what happens to it I hate when this person says that! If you read my revue you can tell that I like things that give back to the environment. Anyways before I blab on and on and on and on... and on(Tee Hee). Love it,
