Friday, October 29, 2010

Heads up for Details in Nature Section

Hey Guys!!!
This is just a post to explain the overall topic of my photographs this "term"...

I will be posting a photo of a little detail in nature that one could easily breeze past... I love to take photos in a different aspect and point of view. I believe that if we all take a little more time to just bend down or examine the bark on a tree... We might grow a little more respect for the planet we live on... And because we're the next generation... We could do something to change the horrible things that mankind do to our planet. We we're given one chance to start a life here on Earth... So why ruin it by just wiping out all the nature with our careless actions... Without the nature, we wouldn't be able to survive. We only have one planet and one life... So why not do us both good, by letting our nature and planet live too... Imagine if right now in the middle of reading this or doing whatever it is that you're doing, someone ran you over and you were gone... Well that's what happens to trees. The planet needs room to breathe...