Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Details in Nature Part. 4

"One touch of nature makes the whole world kin." -William Shakespeare

Hello Again Everyone!!! 

It has definitely been quite a while!!! But, I am glad to be able to share some more details in nature. Now, this one was not taken at White Cliff... but at the forest by the salmon hatchery close to Edgemont Village! I had gone there this summer with my mom and my friend and her sister, and as we were wandering around the hatchery, we decided to walk through the forest. As we were walking around, I was taking numerous photos with each step!!! (As I have said before, I go almost everywhere with my trusted pal... my camera!!!) Now, we came across a "clearing", or what was a clearing for the forest, and I saw the sunlight bursting through the branches of the trees, and radiating against the delicate moss suspended from this one tree. As soon as I saw it, I knew that I was destined to take a photo! And, like all of my other photos, when I look back on this one, I am truly glad to have come across such a treasure!!! :)

I quite like this photo, because I love the way the sunlight caresses each fragile little whisp of moss, and the way that the golden touched moss, stands out against the deep greens of the surrounding majestic trees. When I look at this photo, I immediately feel happy and peaceful, because of the way that the light strikes only the middle of this photo. Not only that, but because of the fact that I think that it represents the unity of each and everything/everyone, and how there is a light that radiates from the center of all of our kindness and peace put together if we all became one! I think that it represents the unity of each and everything/everyone, because there are tons of tiny details in this photo, yet they all are in this photo as one. And it also represents the unity of everything/everyone because there is a tree, then there is moss on the tree's trunk, then there are branches, then there is moss dangling from the branches, and then, there is sunlight reflecting off of the moss itself. Because of this reason, it all comes together to be as one. I think that it represents a light that radiates from the center of all of our kindness and peace put together if we all became as one, because as I have stated above, I think that it represents everyone becoming as one, and because of this, we are all in unity. Now, when we all are in unity, I think that we would be able to radiate a certain "light" that would be able to penetrate any wall of anger, hatred, or anything that is not a sense of kindness, or a sense of peacefulness. I think this because if we all came together, all of our feelings of peace and kindness would over power those of all the negative ones. Take the wars that are happening at this very instant. If the soldiers from both sides could forget their feelings of hatred, anger or so on, or just focused on the ones of kindness, that the world would be able to have a bit more peace. Just think, wouldn't you do anything so that our human race could be unaffected by any wars, government issues, wrong decisions and so on? I know I would! If we are all the same "person" then why do we have all these fights amongst ourselves? It's nonsense if you ask me! We should be able to put our differences aside, and focus on the things that unite us as one! And one thing that helps to unite us (like William Shakespeare has "said" above), is nature. Now you may not all get a sense of happiness or peacefulness when you look at this photo, but I do, and if we can get that feeling from one element of nature... think of all the nature in the world!!! Wouldn't that be amazing to get a feeling like that from nature!!! Oh! I can't even contain my joyfulness!!! You may think that that's a deep message to get from a picture of a tree and a bunch of moss, but if you look beyond that... then maybe, just maybe, you might see through the same eyes that I do.... Not that any of you aren't capable of doing it, it's just a matter of trying. But... we all can...

You may notice that I made this photo EXTRA large, and you may be wondering why. Well, I chose to make it this big to really show each and every little detail that is present in this photo. For instance, the different shades of light greens, deep dark greens, dark browns, light browns and the golden-yellow color of the sunlight. As well, each and every tiny whisp, curl, and frill of moss. There are so many different details in this one, that (knowing how ingenious and observant all of you guys are...) I would like to propose another little challenge. If you choose to take it up, you will win a small (not very big at all... sorry!), prize for just participating!!! My challenge for you is to point out a little detail in this photo of mine!!! Now, to make it a wee-bit harder, I would like it if you could find a detail that I have not yet mentioned. But, if you would like to elaborate on one of the details that I mentioned, that is alright. As well, if you absolutely, positively can't come up with one of your own, then you may use one of mine (as a last resort!). :) And just think... wouldn't our kindness and peace be indestructible? Well... let's start in our own backyards.... North Vancouver. Or even Deep Cove....