Thursday, November 11, 2010

Details in Nature Part. 3

"It is good to realize that if love and peace can prevail on earth, and if we can teach our children to honour nature's gifts, the joys and the beauties of the outdoors will be here forever." -Jimmy Carter


Hello again!

This photo was also taken when I went to White Cliff. I was walking around through the grass, glancing around at everything, like a child walking into a HUGE candy store for the first time, with a bucket full of money. My eyes surely had a glint in them as I came upon quite a few treasures! This photo among them. I knelt down in a soft, blanket of dried leaves, and tilted my camera up. When I finished taking this photo, and I looked back on it, I immediately loved it. Almost, as much as my fungus one that I posted previously. I loved the way the moss curled up at several different places, ending in soft, velvety, little pointed ends. I also loved the way the rest of the tree and the sky got blurred out of the photo in the background. One of my favorite things about this photo though, is the way that one strand of dark browny, black moss just pops out amid all the green wisps. I also like the way the sun caresses the edges of some moss strands. I love this photo because of the lighting and the soft greens and browns, and just the way all the moss strands are curled in different directions.

In my opinion, I think that this photo represents that amid all the chaos in our world today, we can still have a peaceful set of mind and that somewhere, there can still be a glimmer of hope. I also think that it shows us how if we bend down to examine the little things in nature, we can be transported into a completely, utterly, amazing world of it's own. I think that if everyone, from one side of the world to the other, took the time to look at a small, tiny element in nature, not only would we grow more respect for our planet (and take better care of it), but we would point out what we found out to our neighbors. In doing so, we could probably find a way to relate to one and other, in a peaceful and insightful manor. Now, you're probably wondering how I'd get all that from one photo of moss stuck to a tree. Well, I'll tell you. Because the moss is clinging helplessly onto the bark of the tree, and someone could come along and pull it off at any moment, but it still radiate's it's own beauty and reflects the light of the sun, it represents a peace amidst the chaos surrounding it. And the thin strip of sunlight reflecting on it represents the glimmer of hope. When I said that it can transport us into a completely, utterly, amazing world of it's own, it can! When you look at this photo, don't you feel some sort of difference between it and where you are? And that's just when you're at a computer screen! Imagine when you see it in person! I wish that I could live in a world where we didn't have to think of all the chaos of wars, and the economy, but most of all global warming! It saddens me terribly... :( And in this photo because of that transformation between the two worlds, I think that it represents a sort of tranquility. 

Now you may think I'm crazy, or hallucinating, but I wouldn't mind. I think nature is the best way to escape all of the chaotic events that occur in this day and age. What about you? I think that if we all lived in a world that wasn't so focused on "progress", we would all be happier, healthier and above all, surrounded by nature...